Integrated Beam Tracking and Communication for (Sub-)mmWave Links With Stochastic Mobility

Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/10/2024 - 05:00
We consider the problem of active sensing and sequential beam tracking at mmWave frequencies and above. We focus on the setting of aerial communications between a quasi-stationary receiver and mobile transmitter, for example, a gateway array tracking a small agile drone, where we formulate the problem to be equivalent to actively sensing and tracking an optimal beamforming vector along the single dominant (often line-of-sight) path.

Continuous-Time Modeling and Analysis of Particle Beam Metrology

Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/10/2024 - 05:00
Particle beam microscopy (PBM) performs nanoscale imaging by pixelwise capture of scalar values representing noisy measurements of the response from secondary electrons (SEs) integrated over a dwell time. Extended to metrology, goals include estimating SE yield at each pixel and detecting differences in SE yield across pixels; obstacles include shot noise in the particle source as well as lack of knowledge of and variability in the instrument response to single SEs.

Sketching Low-Rank Matrices With a Shared Column Space by Convex Programming

Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/10/2024 - 05:00
In many practical applications including remote sensing, multi-task learning, and multi-spectrum imaging, data are described as a set of matrices sharing a common column space. We consider the joint estimation of such matrices from their noisy linear measurements. We study a convex estimator regularized by a pair of matrix norms. The measurement model corresponds to block-wise sensing and the reconstruction is possible only when the total energy is well distributed over blocks. The first norm, which is the maximum-block-Frobenius norm, favors such a solution.

Functional Covering of Point Processes

Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/10/2024 - 05:00
We introduce a new distortion measure for point processes called functional-covering distortion. It is inspired by intensity theory and is related to both the covering of point processes and logarithmic-loss distortion. We obtain the distortion-rate function with feedforward under this distortion measure for a large class of point processes. For Poisson processes, the rate-distortion function is obtained under a general condition called constrained functional-covering distortion, of which both covering and functional-covering are special cases.

Estimating the Sizes of Binary Error-Correcting Constrained Codes

Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/10/2024 - 05:00
In this paper, we study binary constrained codes that are resilient to bit-flip errors and erasures. In our first approach, we compute the sizes of constrained subcodes of linear codes. Since there exist well-known linear codes that achieve vanishing probabilities of error over the binary symmetric channel (which causes bit-flip errors) and the binary erasure channel, constrained subcodes of such linear codes are also resilient to random bit-flip errors and erasures.

Spatio-Temporal Wildfire Prediction Using Multi-Modal Data

Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/10/2024 - 05:00
Due to severe societal and environmental impacts, wildfire prediction using multi-modal sensing data has become a highly sought-after data-analytical tool by various stakeholders (such as state governments and power utility companies) to achieve a more informed understanding of wildfire activities and plan preventive measures. A desirable algorithm should precisely predict fire risk and magnitude for a location in real time. In this paper, we develop a flexible spatio-temporal wildfire prediction framework using multi-modal time series data.

The Voronoi Region of the Barnes–Wall Lattice Λ16

Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/10/2024 - 05:00
We give a detailed description of the Voronoi region of the Barnes–Wall lattice $\Lambda _{16}$ , including its vertices, relevant vectors, and symmetry group. The exact value of its quantizer constant is calculated, which was previously only known approximately. To verify the result, we estimate the same constant numerically and propose a new very simple method to quantify the variance of such estimates, which is far more accurate than the commonly used jackknife estimator.

Active Sensing for Two-Sided Beam Alignment and Reflection Design Using Ping-Pong Pilots

Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/10/2024 - 05:00
Beam alignment is an important task for millimeter-wave (mmWave) communication, because constructing aligned narrow beams both at the transmitter (Tx) and the receiver (Rx) is crucial in terms of compensating the significant path loss in very high-frequency bands. However, beam alignment is also a highly nontrivial task because large antenna arrays typically have a limited number of radio-frequency chains, allowing only low-dimensional measurements of the high-dimensional channel.

Neural Estimation of the Rate-Distortion Function With Applications to Operational Source Coding

Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/10/2024 - 05:00
A fundamental question in designing lossy data compression schemes is how well one can do in comparison with the rate-distortion function, which describes the known theoretical limits of lossy compression. Motivated by the empirical success of deep neural network (DNN) compressors on large, real-world data, we investigate methods to estimate the rate-distortion function on such data, which would allow comparison of DNN compressors with optimality.

Rate and Detection-Error Exponent Tradeoff for Joint Communication and Sensing of Fixed Channel States

Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/10/2024 - 05:00
We study the information-theoretic limits of joint communication and sensing when the sensing task is modeled as the estimation of a discrete channel state fixed during the transmission of an entire codeword. This setting captures scenarios in which the time scale over which sensing happens is significantly slower than the time scale over which symbol transmission occurs. The tradeoff between communication and sensing then takes the form of a tradeoff region between the rate of reliable communication and the state detection-error exponent.