Time-Invariant Prefix Coding for LQG Control
Hypergraph-Based Source Codes for Function Computation Under Maximal Distortion
Exploring the Symbiotic Relationship Between Information Theory and Machine Learning
Title: Exploring the Symbiotic Relationship Between Information Theory and Machine Learning
In the vast realm of artificial intelligence, two pillars stand prominently: Information Theory and Machine Learning. At first glance, they might seem like distinct fields with little in common, but upon closer inspection, their connection runs deep, forming a symbiotic relationship that underpins many modern AI advancements.
INSIGHTS modified
The January 2023 issue of IEEE JSAC is a special issue on “Beyond Transmitting Bits: Context, Semantics, and Task-Oriented Communications”. The phrase “semantic communications” started to conquer a significant real estate in the overall discussion on future wireless systems; yet, it sometimes remains fuzzy what the objective and scope of it is. The tutorial article written by the Guest Editors is an excellently written piece that brings clarity to the discourse on semantic communications.
What is Lorem Ipsum?
The January 2023 issue of IEEE JSAC is a special issue on “Beyond Transmitting Bits: Context, Semantics, and Task-Oriented Communications”. The phrase “semantic communications” started to conquer a significant real estate in the overall discussion on future wireless systems; yet, it sometimes remains fuzzy what the objective and scope of it is. The tutorial article written by the Guest Editors is an excellently written piece that brings clarity to the discourse on semantic communications.