Toward Undetectable Quantum Key Distribution Over Bosonic Channels

Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/10/2024 - 05:00
We propose a protocol based on pulse-position modulation and multi-level coding that allows one to bootstrap traditional quantum key distribution protocols while ensuring covertness, in the sense that no statistical test by the adversary can detect the presence of communication over the quantum channel better than a random guess. When run over a bosonic channel, our protocol can leverage existing discrete-modulated continuous-variable protocols.

Erasable Bit Commitment From Temporary Quantum Trust

Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/10/2024 - 05:00
We introduce a new setting for two-party cryptography by introducing the notion of temporarily trusted third parties. These third parties act honest-but-curious during the execution of the protocol. Once the protocol concludes and the trust period expires, these third parties may collaborate with an adversarial party. We implement a variant of the cryptographic primitive of bit commitment in this setting, which we call erasable bit commitment. In this primitive, the sender has the choice of either opening or erasing her commitment after the commit phase.

Non-Additivity in Classical-Quantum Wiretap Channels

Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/10/2024 - 05:00
Due to Csiszár and Körner, the private capacity of classical wiretap channels has a single-letter characterization in terms of the private information. For quantum wiretap channels, however, it is known that regularization of the private information is necessary to reach the capacity. Here, we study hybrid classical-quantum wiretap channels in order to resolve to what extent quantum effects are needed to witness non-additivity phenomena in quantum Shannon theory.

Communication Cost of Quantum Processes

Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/10/2024 - 05:00
A common scenario in distributed computing involves a client who asks a server to perform a computation on a remote computer. An important problem is to determine the minimum amount of communication needed to specify the desired computation. Here we extend this problem to the quantum domain, analyzing the total amount of (classical and quantum) communication needed by a server in order to accurately execute a quantum process chosen by a client from a parametric family of quantum processes.

Quantum Private Information Retrieval From Coded and Colluding Servers

Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/10/2024 - 05:00
In the classical private information retrieval (PIR) setup, a user wants to retrieve a file from a database or a distributed storage system (DSS) without revealing the file identity to the servers holding the data. In the quantum PIR (QPIR) setting, a user privately retrieves a classical file by receiving quantum information from the servers. The QPIR problem has been treated by Song et al. in the case of replicated servers, both without collusion and with all but one servers colluding.

Estimating Quantum Entropy

Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/10/2024 - 05:00
The entropy of a quantum system is a measure of its randomness, and has applications in measuring quantum entanglement. We study the problem of estimating the von Neumann entropy, S(ρ), and Rényi entropy, Sα(ρ) of an unknown mixed quantum state ρ in d dimensions, given access to independent copies of ρ. We provide algorithms with copy complexity O(d2/α) for estimating Sα(ρ) for α 1. These bounds are at least quadratic in d, which is the order dependence on the number of copies required for estimating the entire state ρ.

Comparison of D-Wave Quantum Annealing and Classical Simulated Annealing for Local Minima Determination

Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/10/2024 - 05:00
Restricted Boltzmann Machines trained with different numbers of iterations were used to provide a large diverse set of energy functions each containing many local valleys (LVs). They were used to confirm the property of the D-Wave quantum annealer (QA) to find potentially important LVs in the energy functions of Markov Random Fields that may be missed by classical searches. Even after a prohibitively long classical search by simulated annealing (SA), as many as 30-50% of the QA-found LVs remained not found by the SA.

Device-Independent Randomness Amplification and Privatization

Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/10/2024 - 05:00
Secret and perfect randomness is an essential resource in cryptography. Yet, it is not even clear that such exists. It is well known that the tools of classical computer science do not allow us to create secret and perfect randomness from a single weak public source. Quantum physics, on the other hand, allows for such a process, even in the most paranoid cryptographic sense termed “device-independent quantum cryptography”.