Multiple faculty openings at Iowa State Univ, ECE dept. (in all areas)
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the College of Engineering at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, invites applications for tenure-track or tenured faculty positions. Appointments will be considered at all experience levels.
Dec 3, 2015
ISIT 2016 - Call for Papers
ISIT 2016 paper submission is now open!
Dec 2, 2015
Website goes live !
Dec 1, 2015
Call for Nominations for ITSOC and IEEE Awards and Honors
The IT Society and IEEE give out many awards and honors each year. A number of nomination deadlines are coming up. If you would like to nominate someone for an award, please read on to find out the procedure for nomination and the materials needed.
Nov 26, 2015
2016 IEEE Medal Winners: Forney, Padovani, El Gamal, and Scharf
Four members of the IEEE Information Theory Society have been named as winners of the IEEE's most prestigious winners. The awards are IEEE Medal of Honor for G. David Forney, the IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal for Roberto Padovani, the IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal for Abbas El Gamal, and the IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal for Louis L. Scharf.
Nov 25, 2015
Claude E. Shannon 100th Birthday Celebration
A Claude Elwood Shannon 100th Birthday Celebration will be held at the Heinz Nixdorf Museum in Paderborn, Germany, May 3-4, 2016
Nov 19, 2015
2015 Munich Workshop on Information Theory of Optical Fiber (MIO 2015)
The 2015 Munich Workshop on Information Theory of Optical Fiber (MIO 2015) will take place from Dec. 7-8, 2015 in Munich, Germany.
Nov 19, 2015
Faculty opening at Aurora
Faculty recruitment for Aurora Engineering college is taking place in telangana.Interested people can share your resume at [email protected]
Nov 17, 2015
French Workshop - Recent Advances in Network Information Theory and Coding Theory
This National meeting aims at reuniting the European IT Community and providing the opportunity to young and senior researchers to share recent results in network information theory. In particular, the meeting welcomes contributions in the areas of, but is not limited to caching and data storage, index coding, Gaussian channels and secrecy, energy harvesting in communications, source-channel coding and finite length analysis. To this end, researchers and students from communications, electrical engineering, computer sciences, statistics and applied mathematics are very welcome to attend. Industry also has an important place in this meeting and thus, researchers from different companies are also invited to attend.
Nov 8, 2015
Faculty Positions at Penn State Electrical Engineering
in a broad range of areas in electrical and computer engineering including devices, communications, networking, signal processing, big data analysis, and energy systems; and the areas of computer architecture/embedded systems, data science, and networking, for joint hiring with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
Nov 6, 2015
Call for papers: Special issue on "Information and Coding Theory for Data Storage"
Submissions solicited for a special issue of Int. J. of Information and Coding Theory on "Information and Coding Theory for Data Storage". Important dates: Submission of manuscripts: March 1, 2016 Notification of decision: June 1, 2016 Publication: late 2016
Nov 5, 2015
Research Fellow position at the University of Tartu
Research Fellow in Coding Theory, University of Tartu, Estonia
Nov 2, 2015
Call for participation: DIMACS workshop on "Network Coding: the Next 15 Years"
Call for participation: DIMACS workshop on "Network Coding: the Next 15 Years", Rutgers University, New Jersey, December 15-17, 2015. The workshop is organized by Michael Langberg (SUNY Buffalo), Emina Soljanin (Bell Labs), and Alex Sprintson (TAMU). Details can be found at (with registration information) and at
Oct 29, 2015
ISIT 2016 - Call for Tutorials
The 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory seeks tutorial proposals, which should provide clear and focused teaching material covering new and emerging topics within the scope of the conference.
Oct 26, 2015
Postdoc position at Unicamp - Brazil
Up to two postdoc positions are offered at the Mathematics Department, at University of Campinas – Unicamp, Brazil, for young researchers in Coding Theory and Discrete Geometries.
Oct 20, 2015
Shannon Centennial Google Doodle
There is a non-zero chance that Google will honour Shannon’s 100th birthday with one of their animated “doodles” -- we need your ideas!
Oct 13, 2015
Communications, Inference, and Computing in Molecular and Biological Systems Workshop December 3-4, 2015, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
In conjunction with the 2015 launch of the IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications ( and the IEEE Globecom Conference in San Diego (December 6-10, 2015), we are holding a workshop on Communications, Inference, and Computing in Molecular and Biological Systems. It will be a 1 ½ day event between Thursday and Friday, December 3-4, 2015. The workshop will be held on the University of Southern California campus in Los Angeles with easy access to Los Angeles International Airport, train and metro service.
Oct 8, 2015
PhD Scholarship - Network Information Theory and Index Coding
The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia is offering a full PhD scholarship. Applications close 30 November 2015.
Oct 2, 2015
Postdoctoral Researcher Position at Imperial College London
Postdoctoral researcher position in the areas of privacy and security in cyber-physical systems, particularly for smart metering applications in smart grids. Previous research experience and a strong track record in information theory, signal processing, and optimisation theory is required. The position is in the Intelligent Systems and Networks Group within the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department of Imperial College London.
Oct 1, 2015

Members can submit news, events and job announcements.