2022 North American School of Information Theory (NASIT2022)

This will be an in-person event at UCLA in Los Angeles, California. Registration available now at https://nasit-2022.seas.ucla.edu
Each year the IEEE Information Theory Society holds a workshop to help graduate students working on problems in information theory across the continent and the world come together to learn about the latest research frontiers in information theory and to form a community across the many universities. This year we have a wonderful slate of speakers including the following:
- Elza Erkip
- Alon Orlitsky
- Erdal Arikan
- Urbashi Mitra
- Christina Fragouli
- Victoria Kostina
In these tutorials, Padovani Lecturer Elza Erkip makes the information theoretic connection between databases and graph matching. Shannon Award winners Alon Orlitsky and Erdal Arikan reveal the information theoretic foundations for data science and the structure, beauty, applications, and future of polar codes. Urbashi Mitra investigates active learning for wireless body area sensor networks. Christina Fragouli shows how group testing can take community correlations into account. Victoria Kostina explores information bottlenecks in distributed control and computation. Phil Regalia of NSF describes its Information Theory programs.
NASIT 2022 also features poster sessions where each graduate student attendee presents about their current research or an interesting area of information theory.
We thank our sponsors Qualcomm, the National Science Foundation, and SK Hynix. Interested in being a sponsor? Email NASIT 2022 organizer Richard Wesel [email protected].