Building the Information Theory Society Together

Welcome to our Volunteering Page.  Volunteering for the IEEE Information Theory Society is a great way to meet like-minded information theorists and be part of our community. We are grateful for the generous service of our volunteers and proud of what we have together achieved. Please join us!

To volunteer, please share with us your interests by filling in the form below; after submitting you will receive a confirmation email. Your request will be forwarded to a responsible person depending on the checkboxes you select.
How Would You Like to Volunteer?
Status message
Please select two at most, commensurate with your experience.
Background: The Student and Outreach Activities Subcommittee within the ITSoc is charged with the planning and implementation of student-focused activities at the Society's Symposia and Workshops. As a subcommittee, we act as a bridge between the Society's student body and the broader membership, connecting students with the resources and opportunities available within the Society through events such as mentoring sessions, panels, and competitions.

Our primary objectives include the planning and execution of events and activities that address the needs and concerns of student members, as well as the promotion of participation from underrepresented demographics within the Society. Additionally, we aim to create services, such as a mentoring network, that support the growth and development of current members and encourage the engagement of potential future members. Overall, our goal is to foster a sense of community and inclusivity within the Society, and to provide opportunities for students to engage with and contribute to the broader mission of the ITSoc.

Request: If you would like to get involved with the Student and Outreach Subcommittee, please check the box provided or contact the chair of the subcommittee to express your interest in contributing. We look forward to your participation and contributions to the subcommittee's efforts within the Society.
There are many local chapters of information theory throughout the world.  We can connect you with your local chapter, or find out about establishing a new chapter.

Contact: Membership Committee Chair


Background The Diversity and Inclusion Committee is responsible for creating and executing an ongoing diversity and inclusion strategy, presenting progress, plans, data, and metrics annually to the Board. Diversity and inclusion include, but are not limited to, the issues of gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, geography, seniority, or other personal characteristics not related to ability, performance, or qualifications. The Committee is charged with ensuring that Information Theory Society events and processes are inclusive, welcoming and safe for everyone in the field of information theory and with developing and overseeing codes of conduct and best practices for all Society activities, including conferences, schools, and committees.

Request There are numerous aspects of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) that are important in the Information Theory Society.  Various aspects of DEIB are being worked on by different parts of the Society beyond the D&I Committee (e.g., by the Membership Committee and its subcommittees, by the Conference Committee, by the Nominations and Appointments Committee, by the editors of society publications, and by the Publications Committee, among others).  If you are interested in contributing to DEIB efforts in the Society, please check this box, or reach out to the Chair of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee indicating any specific aspects of DEIB in which you are interested in working on.  The chair will look forward to working with you and helping to connect you with relevant ongoing efforts and/or on building on your new ideas!  If you wish, when contacting the chair, please consider including any context on your own motivations and/or lived experience that you think would help you and the chair get your conversation started.

The WithITS program has as its mission to provide events and services that address needs and encourage participation of our underrepresented demographics, while being of interest and use to the community at large.

Contact: WITHITS co-chairs
We are looking for volunteers who want to help with our digital presence, including the website, video, social media and email lists. Perhaps you have a great idea for an online initiative.  We'd love to hear from you.

Contact: Digital Presence Committee Chair
We aim to reconnect with students we educate who follow career paths in industry, including industries that may not be traditionally associated with ITSoc. Our goal is to form strong connections between ITSoc and industry, provide career development mentoring to our current graduate students and inspire exploration of new research areas to ITSoc researchers. We are seeking for volunteers to help with our events. Contact the Alumni in Industry Ad Hoc Committee chair.
Our two conferences, ISIT and ITW are the lifeblood of the Information Theory Society. The role of the technical program committee member includes inviting reviewers for submitted papers and making recommendatations to the TPC co-chairs.

Contact: Conference Committee Chair.  If you are interested in voluteering for a specific conference, it is recommended you contact the TPC Co-Chair of that conference directly. 
The Information Theory Society publishes IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory (JSAIT) and IEEE BITS the Information Theory Magazine. Your request will be forwarded to the editor-in-chief of the respective journals. 
The IT Society sponsors ISIT and ITW as well as Schools of Information Theory.  In addition, the IT Society technically co-sponsors numerous events each year.  Organizing an event not only benefits the Society as a whole, but also your regional community and enhances your research impact. If you are interested in organizing an event, contact the Conference Committee Chair. If you are interested in organizing a school, see the list of past schools then contact the Schools Subcommitee Chair
All IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory (JSAIT) issues begin life as a proposal. Proposals are often developed by Issue Guest Editors and championed by an Issue Senior Editor who will collectively identify topics at the intersection of information theory with fields such as machine learning, statistics, genomics, neuroscience, theoretical computer science, and physics. If you are interested please identify the area/topic of interest in the box below. Your request will be forwarded to the JSAIT editor-in-chief.
The IEEE Information Theory Society is closely monitoring the open-access mandates of funding agencies around the world, and is currently investigating whether a new gold open-access publication should be launched. If you are interested in the issue of open-access publication or if you would be interested in serving as an editor or a reviewer for a potential new open-access journal in information theory, please contact the chair of the Open Access Journal Ad Hoc Committee
Optionally, briefly tell us anything in addition, such as why you are interested or any related experience you have.
Background The Information Theory Society publishes three journals: Specifically for JSAIT, all issues begin life as a proposal. Proposals are often developed by Issue Guest Editors and championed by an Issue Senior Editor who will collectively identify topics at the intersection of information theory with fields such as machine learning, statistics, genomics, neuroscience, theoretical computer science, and physics. 

Request Those interested in volunteering as reviewers, associate editors (AEs) or guest editors are encouraged to identify the area/topic of interest in the “Why you are interested” text box below. Your request will be forwarded to the editor-in-chief.
Tell Us About Yourself
Years Since Ph.D. Completion
Please include a CV listing your professional experience, including professional volunteering or service. Upload a single PDF file.
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Allowed types: pdf.