From the Editor


Dear IT Society members,
Tara Javidi The last issue of 2012, naturally, contains Muriel Medard’s last column as the IT society president. Please join me in thanking Muriel for continuing the tradition of excellence and growth as well as preparing such a thorough and detailed report of the work. With sadness, we pay tribute to Professors Irving Reed and Donald Tuft who passed away recently. I would like to thank Solomn Golomb for preparing the tribute for Irving Reed in addition to his regu- lar puzzle contribution. I would also like to acknowledge the extensive effort that Louis Scharf, Leland Jackson and Cyndy Anderson (Don Tufts’ daughter) have put in preparing the tribute to Don’s work and life. Raymond Yeung has kindly pro- vided us with a summary of his plenary talk at ISIT 2009 (to appear in the special issue of Communications in Information and Systems (CIS) soon). We also have re- ports from the student committee and 2012 European School of Information Theory. These are all in addition to our popular and regular contribution by our historian Tony Ephremides. Finally, we are experimenting with a new regular column with pointers to interest- ing blog items around the IT society.
As a reminder, announcements, news and events intended for both the printed newsletter and the website, such as award announcements, calls for nominations and upcoming con- ferences, can be submitted jointly at the IT Society website, using the quick links “Share News” and “Announce an Event.” Articles and columns also can be e-mailed to me at [email protected] with a subject line that includes the words “IT newsletter.” 
The next few deadlines are:
Issue Deadline
March 2013 January 10, 2013 
 June 2013 April 10, 2013
 September 2013 July 10, 2013 
Please submit plain text, LaTeX or Word source files; do not worry about fonts or layout as this will be taken care of by IEEE layout specialists. Electronic photos and graphics should be in high resolution and sent as separate files. I look forward to hear your suggestions (especially regarding the new column) and contributions.