Call for papers: Operations Research, Stochastic Models Area
Feb 22, 2018

Dear members of the IEEE information theory society,

Amy Ward and myself have recently taken over as Area Editors for Stochastic Models in the journal Operations Research .  We would like to encourage you to submit your papers to our area.

We welcome papers that propose new models and/or develop analytical, computational, and statistical methods that advance the state-of-the-art knowledge and understanding of stochastic systems, their performance analysis, control, and optimization. 

We are interested in papers that explore applications of stochastic modeling in a broad set of areas. This includes telecommunication and networking, discrete-event systems and internet economics in addition to the traditional areas of operations such as revenue management, service systems etc. 

As in the past, we will continue to publish work that provides substantial structural insights via the analysis of tractable yet reasonable models of stochastic systems, and, within the above criteria, we encourage the submission of work that may have direct implications to policy questions, or lead to tools building on stochastic analysis that have direct practical significance and applicability.

Mission statements of the various areas of the journal can be found in

Do feel free to reach out to us ( [email protected] , [email protected] ) if you are contemplating submitting a paper to our journal and would like initial feedback about its fit.

With best regards,


Associate Professor