Past Events
Jun 23, 2020
WITHITS Meeting at ISIT 2020

The WITHITS meeting at ISIT 2020 will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, June 23 at 8 am Pacific Time. Please RSVP to join.

17-20 Jun, 2020
Boston, MA, USA
Information-Theoretic Cryptography (ITC) 2020

First occurrence of the conference Information-theoretic Cryptography (ITC), to be held in Boston, June 17-19, 2020.

11-14 Nov, 2019
Ottawa, Canada
GlobalSIP Symposium on Machine Learning for Wireless Communications, Networking and Security

GlobalSIP Symposium on Machine Learning for Wireless Communications, Networking and Security will be held in Ottawa, Canada November 11–14, 2019. Paper submission deadline is June 17, 2019.

21-26 Oct, 2019
MIEM HSE, 34 Tallinskaya street, Moscow, Russia
2019 XVI International Symposium "Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems" (REDUNDANCY)

Redundancy 2019 will be held 21–25 October 2019, in MIEM HSE, 34 Tallinskaya street, Moscow, Russia

25-28 Aug, 2019
Visby, Gotland, Sweden
2019 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Visby

The IEEE Information Theory Workshop will be held in Visby, Gotland, Sweden, from the 25th to the 28th of August 2019.

15-17 Jul, 2019
Munich, Germany
Munich Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (MWCC) 2019

The Munich Workshop on Coding and Cryptography will be held on 15th and 16th of July 2019 at Institute for Communications Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Munich, Germany. The workshop consists of invited talks and poster sessions.

08-13 Jul, 2019
Paris, France
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)

Paris, France is the venue of ISIT 2019, held July 7–12.

08-12 Jul, 2019
ISIT 2019
Student and WITHITS events at ISIT

We are excited to announce the Women in Information Theory (WITHITS), Meet-the-Shannon-Lecturer, and the Mentoring events at ISIT 2019.

14-16 Jun, 2019
Long Beach CA
CodML 2019 Workshop

Workshop on Coding Theory for Large-Scale Machine Learning

11-12 Jun, 2019
Washington, D.C.
2019 IEEE CNS Workshop on Physical-Layer Methods for Security and Privacy in 5G and the IoT

Physical-Layer Security
Internet of Things

02-06 Jun, 2019
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario
Canadian Workshop on Information Theory

The 16th Canadian Workshop on Information Theory ( will
be held on the campus of McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, from
Sunday, June 2 to Wednesday, June 5, 2019.

May 30, 2019-Jun 01, 2019
London, UK
London Symposium on Information Theory (LSIT)

29-30 Apr, 2019
Paris, France
The 2nd Age of Information Workshop 

The 2nd Age of Information Workshop 

Apr 12, 2019
Postdoc at Technical University of Denmark

1 Postdoc position is open at DTU Fotonik, Technical University of Denmark in the area of channel coding for optical communications. The focus on on error-correcting coding.

01-05 Apr, 2019
Saint-Jacut-de-la-Mer, FRANCE
Workshop - WCC 2019: The Eleventh International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography

This is the eleventh in the series of biannual workshops on Coding and Cryptography. It is organized by Université de Rennes 1, CNRS, IRMAR and IRISA.