Past Events
Jun 16, 2015
Conference center room S429, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (ISIT venue)
WITHITS Event: "Best of " Edition

Come play a game: chat, laugh, and compete with friends for answers to the “best of” and “worst of” academia, industry, information theory, and life. Monday June 15, 2015, 6:45pm. Conference center room S429, with a likely dinner outing afterwards.

Jun 08, 2015
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, University "Ss Cyril and Methodius", Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Prof. Giuseppe Caire: Massive MIMO with structured channels

Distinguished Lecturer Programme of IEEE Information Theory Society

06-08 May, 2015
Tehran, Iran
2015 Iran Workshop on Communication and Information Theory

The 3rd Iran Workshop on Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT) will take place at Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran on Wednesday May 6th and Thursday May 7th, 2015.

Apr 26, 2015-May 02, 2015
Jerusalem, Israel
2015 IEEE Information Theory Workshops (ITW), Jerusalem

The 2015 IEEE Information Theory Workshops will be held April 26 to May 1, 2015 in Jerusalem, Israel

20-24 Apr, 2015
Zandvoort, The Netherlands
2015 European School of Information Theory (ESIT 2015)

2015 European School of Information Theory (ESIT 2015)

08-10 Apr, 2015
National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis, Knoxville Tennesee
Information and Entropy in Biological Systems Workshop

Ever since Shannon initiated research on information theory in 1948, there have been hopes that the concept of information could serve as a tool to help systematize and unify work in biology. The link between information and entropy was noted very early on, and it suggested that a full thermodynamic understanding of biology would naturally involve the information processing and storage that are characteristic of living organisms. However, the subject is full of conceptual pitfalls for the unwary, and progress has been slower than initially expected. Premature attempts at ‘grand syntheses’ have often misfired. But applications of information theory and entropy to specific highly focused topics in biology have been increasingly successful, such as:
• the maximum entropy principle in ecology,
• Shannon and Rényi entropies as measures of biodiversity,
• information theory in evolutionary game theory,
• information and the thermodynamics of individual cells.
Because they work in diverse fields, researchers in these specific topics have had little opportunity to trade insights and take stock of the progress so far. The aim of the workshop is to do just this.

Mar 24, 2015-Apr 01, 2015
USC, Los Angeles
Andrew J. Viterbi Distinguished Lecture in Communication : H. Vincent Poor

Prof. H. Vincent Poor will give the Viterbi Keynote Lecture at USC this March. The lecture will be webcast for those interested in participating remotely.
Links are given below.

Feb 01, 2015
La Jolla Shores Hotel, San Diego, CA
Algorithms, Radio, and Coding Workshop

The Algorithms, Radio, and Coding Workshop in honor of Prof. Robert Calderbank's 60th birthday will be held in La Jolla, CA on January 31, 2015 and February 1st, 2015. This is the weekend before the Information Theory and Applcations (ITA) workshop in La Jolla, CA

19-31 Jan, 2015
Campinas, Brazil
SP Coding and Information School

SPCodingSchool is a two week long school on coding and Information Theory, to be held in Brazil in January 2013. Leading researchers in the area will give both introductory courses (during the first week) and advanced courses (in the second one). The introductory courses are aimed to students that have consistent mathematical background but not necessarily acquainted with Coding and Information Theory.
Up to 90 selected students will be fully supported (flight ticket plus generous expenses) through a grant given by Fapesp, the Science Foundation of the State of São Paulo.

03-05 Dec, 2014
Atlanta, Georgia
GlobalSIP 2014: IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing

The IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP) is a recently launched flagship conference of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. It is made up of a series of symposia and workshops. GlobalSIP 2014 will focus broadly on signal and information processing with an emphasis on up-and-coming signal processing themes.

27-28 Nov, 2014
University of Twente
Fifth Van der Meulen Seminar

Fifth Van der Meulen Seminar: Data science at the intersection of information theory, statistics, and machine learning

02-05 Nov, 2014
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
2014 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Hobart

The 2014 IEEE Information Theory Workshop will take place 2-5 November in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia at the Hobart Function And Conference Centre.

Oct 31, 2014-Nov 01, 2014
American University, Washington, DC
Recent Innovations in Info-Metrics

A two-day conference with the goal to continue the study of the foundations of info-metrics and information processing across the sciences.

26-31 Oct, 2014
Banff International Research Station, Banff, Alberta, Canada
Biological and Bio-Inspired Information Theory Workshop

This BIRS workshop will explore the areas of biological and bio-inspired information theory, focusing on mathematical open problems that cut across the areas of:
Information theory and biochemistry (including information theory and intercellular communication);
Information theory and neuroscience; and
Information-theoretic analysis of biologically-inspired communication systems (including nanonetworking and design of biologically implemented information processing networks).
The main objectives of this workshop will be: to bring together the most prominent researchers in this field; to discuss and review the current state of mathematical research in this field; to promote cross-pollination among the various streams of research to find common problems; and to collectively identify key future directions or open problems that would bring the greatest impact to this field over the next few years.

29-30 Oct, 2014
San Francisco, CA
Workshop on Physical-Layer Methods for Wireless Security - IEEE CNS Conference

The Physical-layer Methods for Wireless Security Workshop will take place during IEEE CNS 2014 in San Francisco, CA, on October 29, 2014. CNS is a spin-off of the IEEE INFOCOM conference and is an outstanding forum for cyber security researchers.

29-30 Oct, 2014
San Francisco, CA
IEEE CNS workshop on Physical-layer Methods for Wireless Security

This workshop will focus on physical-layer methods for wireless security. It is part of the IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security to be held in San Francisco, CA.

26-29 Oct, 2014
Melbourne, Australia
ISITA 2014

ISITA2014 - the International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications - will be held in Melbourne, Australia from 26 to 29 October 2014. This biennial event, first held in 1990, is a leading conference in the information theory community. ISITA2014 features world-class speakers, plenary talks and technical sessions on a diverse range of topics within the field of information theory.

09-11 Oct, 2014
DIMACS Center, CORE Building, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
DIMACS Conference on Challenges of Identifying Integer Sequences

The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS) began in 1996 with 10,000 sequences. The database was started by Neil Sloane in 1964 when, as a graduate student, he began collecting integer sequences on file cards, and was published by Academic Press in 1973 as A Handbook of Integer Sequences, containing 2372 sequences. The popularity of the Handbook eventually led to the publication of The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences by Neil Sloane and Simon Plouffe in 1995, containing 5488 sequences. The website was created a year later and has continued to grow ever since.
This conference will invite participants to discuss the challenges and advances in research in the computational sciences that can be attributed to the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. Conference attendees will participate in discussions on the importance of having an easily accessible database and the difficulties of identifying and computing sequences. The conference will also celebrate three milestones: the 50th birthday of the database, reaching 250,000 sequences, and Sloane's 75th birthday.